Ancient Kaiju (Rev. 1)

Last updated: Exalt Version (Apr 2024)
Ancient Kaiju

The Ancient Kaiju is an Encounter native to the Carboniferous that can spawn multiple times per realm. Though it controls no minions, it is a powerful destructive force that can easily kill players.

TBA: Realm Eye lore dialogue



HP: 125,000 (+10% [12,500 HP] per player in Realm)
DEF: 70
EXP: 50,000
Realm Score: 3,000

Level 20 Quest
Immune to Stasis
Immune to Stunned
Immune to Dazed
Immune to Paralyzed
Immune to Slowed

Counts towards Encounter Kills
Counts towards Hero Kills
Counts towards God Kills

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Aesthetics Damage Condition effects Speed (tiles/sec) Range (tiles) Comments
O3 White Big Missile 200 5 11 Passes cover
Hits multiple targets
White Superblast 230 5 10.5 Amplitude: 5
Frequency: 0.5
Passes cover
Hits multiple targets
Faces direction
Deadwater White Zap 100 Exposed 4s 4.5 13.5 Hits multiple targets
Pierces armor
O3 Big White Star NRot 170 Silence 2s 5 15 Hits multiple targets
O3 Black Bolt 140 Bleeding 2s 5 15 Hits multiple targets
O3 Black Bolt 140 Bleeding 2s 5.5 16.5 Hits multiple targets
O3 Black Bolt 140 Bleeding 2s 6 18 Hits multiple targets
O3 Red Big Spike 120 Exposed 2.5s
Armor Broken 2.5s
2 ? From meteors
Accel Delay: 2s
Accel: 2t/s²
Max Speed: 4t/s
Hits multiple targets


Randomly (?) switches between the following phases (excluding Rage) over time.

The Kaiju gently follows the nearest player but does not try to step on top of them. It fires a continuous wave of five Exposing Zaps at them, covering a wide arc. Waves of two Superblasts flank the burst on either side. An identical copy of the shot pattern is also fired in the opposite direction.

The Kaiju lunges at players, attempting to land on top of them. With each stop it unleashes two dense radial bursts near but not on itself, as if its feet were hitting the ground and sending out shockwaves.
During this phase, red indicators appear scattered on the ground, marking where meteors will fall. When the indicator is full they release eight Red Spikes in the primary directions, which will kill or severely injure any player on top of them.

The Kaiju stands in place and starts firing many alternating spirals of Silencing Stars, which form a pattern reminiscent of a Djinn, albeit much more dense.
Waves of five Bleeding-inflicting Bolts also start to come out. The Bolts are faster closer to the center of the waves, creating V-like shapes, fired in six directions at a time as if to resemble a flower’s petals - or possibly the corners of a hexagon. Every second wave will be rotated 30 degrees, firing where the gaps were previously.

The Kaiju jumps at the nearest player and attempts to land on them. After stopping, it begins firing many lines of Silencing Stars in all directions, and meteor indicators appear within the gaps between the lines. It jumps again just before the meteors land, which can easily force players into undesirable positions.

When the Kaiju’s health is low (please clarify), it begins glowing red, and transitions to using its Claws attack, but with the addition of random meteors.
Unlike in the original Claws phase, it appears to be able to step on players.

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