Ring of Wrath

Ring of Wrath The massive ruby set in this weighty ring is believed to control and harness the wearer’s rage.

Sprite Credits: Aurum

Tier ST
Set Agents of Oryx II: Gain strength based on the amount of Agents of Oryx gear you wear.
  • 2 Pieces Bonus: +20 HP, +5 VIT
  • 3 Pieces Bonus: +40 HP, +2 DEF, +5 VIT
  • Full Set Bonus: +60 HP, +2 DEF, +5 VIT
  • Subtotal of Bonuses: +120 HP, + 4 DEF, +15 VIT
  • On Equip +80 HP, +6 DEF, +5 VIT
    XP Bonus 5%
    Soulbound Soulbound
    Feed Power 850
    Dismantling Value 40 Mythical Material

    Loot Bag Assigned to White Bag
    Obtained Through Consuming a stack of 35 Shards of the Advisor
    Exchanging a stack of 70 Shards of the Advisor at The Tinkerer

    Wearing this ring with other items of the Agents of Oryx series will grant additional set bonuses depending on how many pieces are worn. Out of the three rings, this one is specialized for defense, granting significant bonuses to HP, DEF, and VIT when powered up.

    When worn with a full set of Agents of Oryx items, this ring grants a total of +200 HP, +10 DEF, and +20 VIT.

    Before Exalt Version (May 2021), this item had a Feed Power of 350.

    Limited Rings