Mister Mango

Mister Mango Mango Displaying this malformed mango in public is said to awaken the rage of a long-dormant entity from beyond.

Tier UT
Shots 1
Damage 250–300 (average: 275)
Projectile Speed 7.5 tiles/second
Lifetime 0.8 seconds
Range 6 tiles
Rate of Fire 45%
XP Bonus 4%
Feed Power 833
Dismantling Value 15 Common Material

Loot Bag Assigned to White Bag
Drops From Null
Obtained Through Current offers on RealmEye’s trading pages

This is a Mistake Gear item.

The severely decreased fire rate and halved projectile speed renders it unusable in most situations, even with its high range and damage/shot. It outdamages the Dagger of Foul Malevolence at 92 DEF but is outclassed by the Queen’s Stinger due to its armor break.

This item was added to the game in Patch X.31.5.0 (Apr 2019).

Before Exalt Version (Aug 2021), this item was soulbound.

The item references an unused bag sprite that was made during development of The Nest. The green bag resembles a mango, hence the name.