History of Firebrand Staff

19 (P)Firebrand Staff+ Power LevelShadowL2024-04-26 02:10:36945 (+16)66 (+1)
18 (C|P)Firebrand Staffupdated fpFincy2021-11-10 16:39:52929 (+99)65 (+7)
17 (C|P)Firebrand Staffbetter imageReza2020-09-05 15:11:12830 (-56)58 (+5)
16 (C|P)Firebrand StaffDrops Fro...ist linkNevov2019-06-05 10:34:38886 (-46)53 (+11)
15 (C|P)Firebrand StaffAdded RE loreNevov2019-05-26 20:53:40932 (+297)42 (+1)
14 (C|P)Firebrand Stafft1 navPentaract2019-04-02 01:26:41635 (+45)41 (+6)
13 (C|P)Firebrand StaffsecondsPentaract2018-08-02 14:14:50590 (+1)35 (+1)
12 (C|P)Firebrand Staffformat2Katiau2017-10-07 01:11:05589 (0)34 (+2)
11 (C|P)Firebrand StaffformatKatiau2017-10-07 01:07:05589 (+75)32 (+1)
10 (C|P)Firebrand StaffnaviDragon2017-06-26 00:32:46514 (-4555)31 (+4)
9 (C|P)Firebrand StafficeblastPentaract2017-05-19 16:39:385069 (+114)27 (+1)
8 (C|P)Firebrand Staffmarkdown conversionDragon2016-10-23 02:14:384955 (+476)26 (-3)
7 (C|P)Firebrand StaffSome mark...nversionVeritan2016-06-27 16:37:024479 (-6)29 (0)
6 (C|P)Firebrand StaffAdded Esb...on. PourVeritan2016-06-23 15:20:224485 (+574)29 (+5)
5 (C|P)Firebrand StaffCorrected...T8 entryVeritan2014-09-01 00:45:063911 (+1)24 (0)
4 (C|P)Firebrand StaffAdded Bar...ves pageVeritan2014-09-01 00:42:473910 (+383)24 (+3)
3 (C|P)Firebrand StaffBit Image...lickableVeritan2013-12-05 21:51:053527 (-3)21 (0)
2 (C|P)Firebrand StaffLink fix,... fine...Veritan2013-12-05 20:50:453530 (+95)21 (+4)
1 (C)Firebrand StaffFrom the old wikiMrEyeball2013-11-21 13:51:043435 17